Headless Content Management for the Enterprise

Content strategy is the cornerstone of any digital marketing initiative. It’s what drives everything—from information architecture to page layout and more. With so much on the line, it makes sense for companies to use a headless CMS for a better content experience.

As the enterprise has evolved, so too have the ways in which we can manage and deliver content. With headless CMS, you can focus on your content strategy without being distracted by the tools that help you achieve it.

  • Content is king: Without a clear strategy, it will be difficult to make sense of the data or find useful insights.

  • Content is key: It's what brings people together and provides them with relevant information they need or want to know.

  • A solid strategy is key: You cannot succeed without one!

Traditional Content Management

Traditional content management systems are server-side applications that store content in a database and manage it via an admin interface. Content is published to the website by way of this same admin interface.

That's all well and good if you're managing a small website with just a few editors who are all local to your office. But what happens if your company wants to scale? You could hire more people locally to manage the site's content, but that means paying for more office space, air conditioning bills (because you know those servers will be running hot), electricity bills...you get the picture.

You could also outsource your publishing needs to dedicated third-party contractors whose sole job is producing articles for websites like yours...but that's really expensive! And even then: how do you control quality? How do you know if they're doing their jobs right or not? How do you keep track of everything once those articles have been published online?

Headless Content Management

Headless content management is a new approach to building websites and web applications. Rather than focusing on the design of the user interface, headless CMSs focus on data and content. The result? You get more flexibility in your app development and a better experience for your users.

Headless CMSs have been around for years, but they're seeing a surge in popularity now as more companies move away from traditional web design towards mobile-first, responsive sites with native functionality like e-commerce or mapping applications. They also make it easier to manage single-source content because there's no need for multiple versions of your site if you want to create separate versions or perform maintenance work (like fixing bugs).

Another benefit is that headless content management allows teams to reuse existing assets such as images on multiple pages without having them appear out of place when viewed together throughout different sections of your site. For example: If all employees are using the same logo image across various parts of their website then this could look unprofessional if those elements weren't properly aligned with one another when displayed side by side during development time——especially since many people use phones these days instead!

Realize the benefits of a content strategy.

With a content strategy in place, you can:

  • Improve the quality of your content. Why? Because it is easier to create high-quality content when you have a plan for what needs to be said and how that content will be used.

  • Be more efficient and effective with the creation and distribution of your content. As we've discussed, having an editorial calendar helps you manage deadlines and cut down on unnecessary work by ensuring that everyone knows what they should be working on at any given time. You can also make sure that the right people see each piece of content once it's published—and this is where prioritizing comes into play as well! The wrong person could miss out on something really important if they don't have access to all relevant information at once (or worse yet—if someone else gets there first). By being strategic about which pieces go where (and why), anyone who might need them can get exactly what they need without wasting time searching through archives full of past articles or spending hours trawling social media feeds looking for new info...

Take Aways

It is exciting to see how the world of headless content management grows. There are still a lot of questions to ask and answer, especially when it comes to implementation. But I believe that this is an important step towards solving the problems that traditional CMSs have faced for so many years—and it will bring us closer to our goal of creating better experiences for everyone on the web.


Start Off On The Right Foot: Requirements Gathering